things respond to the ‘gentle touch’ and the ‘gentle touch’ works well in all
areas of life.
includes Martial Arts and more importantly, relationships. Which
in essence are what Martial Arts and life are about – establishing, developing,
nurturing and sometimes safeguarding relationships.
the relationships are, personal – one to one, within a group, nationally or
internationally, employing the ‘gentle touch’ is the most constructive and
positive way to deal with people and will always win through in the end.
having a handful of sand, if you grip it tightly it squeezes through your
fingers and you lose most of it. What is
left is crushed and misshapen. But, if you hold it carefully and gently, it moulds
itself into your hand and none is lost.
It still maintains its own identity and independence. It rests easily, conforming to the shape you
form for it, blending and it comfortably becomes part of you.
well-known analogies are the bird and the butterfly. If you try to hold either of them other than
gently, they will struggle to escape or you will crush them.
Martial Arts and life, a hard, strong, aggressive technique or approach may
work. But, you may be left with
disharmony, damage, death and a negativity, which usually promotes or incites a
very similar reaction. This may develop
and increase in scope and intensity, involving more and more people either by
choice or not. You can see where this
may lead!
example: In an aggressive act it is obvious that violence begets violence. It is also true for a defensive act; if you
are attacked and you respond ‘violently’ causing damage or worse to your
attacker, their family, friends, allies will respond similarly causing a chain
reaction of violence and chaos (Feuds, vendetta’s, conflict and wars). This is regardless of where any blame lies;
in life, blame or responsibility are easily or conveniently shifted,
disregarded or ignored to meet current needs or agendas.
however, you were to blend with your attacker’s energy (preferably before they form an ‘intent’ to attack), and lead them
to a position where their energy is dissipated, then their capacity to harm you
is gone and they are controlled but unharmed.
is also very confusing for them! They
are usually used to the ‘feel’ of violence and the pain and discomfort of
physical combat and they use this to reinforce their aggression, i.e.
They attack, the other person retaliates, they get hit, - pain – adrenaline/endorphins/pain limiting chemicals released – a new monster emerges – a renewed more violent attack.
They attack, the other person retaliates, they get hit, - pain – adrenaline/endorphins/pain limiting chemicals released – a new monster emerges – a renewed more violent attack.
individuals actually get a ‘buzz’/‘high’, out of this cocktail of chemicals in
their system and the feeling of control and power it gives them. They can actually become ‘addicted’ to
if upon attacking they find themselves for example sitting on their backsides
relatively unhurt, they do not know how they got there, but they know you had something to do with it. Their
thoughts may be ‘Oh bother, what on earth happened there?’ Or words to that
friends/family/allies get to know, they then view you with more caution and
respect, there is less likelihood of a repeat performance, sometimes, new
alliances and friendships can be formed or at least a stalemate is achieved.
mentioned, an even better strategy is to ‘react in advance’ (sen-no-sen); blend with them before
their intent is formed. Recognise and blend with the ‘instigators’ of intent,
dissipate whatever factors may be involved in the forming of the intent to
attack. The intent and desire will then
be stillborn, dying in the womb as it were.
is very hard to do! It is called
does not mean be soft and passive, rather be assertive but use the ‘gentle
‘gentle touch’ applies to all things in life, it is the ‘strategy of harmony’ -
A positive force in this world.
To find out more about Sensei Seth's club visit You can e-mail Peter at